Wednesday, May 25, 2005


The Blog's A Stage

May is proving to be a winter month in NYC (slight exaggeration) but it's really cold today.

Anyway, my faculty mini workshop (BLOGS IN EDUCATION) yesterday went very well. And using this blog site was an added benefit (once we were able to log onto the blog). Don't you hate when you have this great presentation and no one can log on? I promised myself I was going to be positive today...oh well. But really, TECHNOLOGY HAS TO WORK in order for the Digital INFORMATION to be integrated into curriculum.

But it's great watching teachers when they're introduced to something new that could possibly enhance their class instruction. They had great questions. For example, one teacher asked "why would we want people to read what we are doing?" My response was "blogs are for publishing yours and students' work with the understanding that the world reads it." There's something that makes blogs important when you know there's a larger audience. I compare it to singing at your family reunion vs. Carnegie Hall. Although I would clear the house at both. But I cannot wait to see what they have in store with their blogs. Coming in fall of 2005...although we're going to work on the set up over the summer.

Ironically, a few of them didn't know that I maintain this blog. Oh much for self promotion.

So today, I sent the K-6 staff a follow-up of how some 4th graders are using blogs in the classroom (after I received a comment from teacher Gordon Brune who uses David Warlick's BlogMeister. He has his 4th graders doing what I LOVE....reporting the news using a blog. But the best part is his disclaimer for comments. He writes...

"Your comment will be delivered to the teacher, Gordon Brune, for approval. When it has been approved, the comment will be added to Frank's blog.
Thank you!"

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