Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Numbers Matter

I wish it didn't matter but it does...that is the SATs I'm referring to. And no matter how many people say "this test doesn't measure the true student" every teacher and parent in their heart of hearts knows that students are forever judged by this test. Even if it's over dinner one evening with co-workers from the...1400-1600 club. We've all met them, know them, or am them...just so you know I'm not one of them. They're the ones who upon meeting introduce themselves as THE RECEIVERS OF 1400s on the SATs. And when asked "how did you do so well?" Their response is "well my parents took me to SAT classes very early." Or "I was just born gifted" or "My parents read to me constantly in-utero" or my favorite "tests like these come easy to me." Well they don't for me... And that's why I'm on my way out the door right now to find the latest "Time Tracker, a device whose purpose is to help children improve their performances on the standardized tests that have become unavoidable in education. Recommended ages: 4 and up." (NYT-see article)
While I despise those conversations with the 1400 crowd my 4 year old and 7 year old will have an extra bonus under the tree this year. Break a thousand club here we come.

For Some Parents, It's Never Too Early for S.A.T. Prep

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