Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Upcoming Conference

With all of the information we (and students) have available at the click of a button, it's so important to stay on top of the "latest ways" students could opt to use in regards to cheating. I read a New York Times article a few days back (it's on the Broadcast Blog) coming out of Harvard. It basically was about how students need to learn how to Cite sources; so they present their freshman students with a manual they must read their first year. Maybe I'm too optimistic, but I do think most students choose not to cheat. Although if polled, I'm sure many students have cheated at least once. I think we all have in one way or another. And in regards to citing sources...I think students find it too much trouble. Or they just don't know how to.
Anyway, on December 6th I'm attending the conference "Two Very Different Beasts: Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement in the Schools. Glen Novarr who teaches in the History Department at the Spence School will be conducting the lecture. Last year I attended a powerpoint workshop on Student Cheating And Plagiarism in the Internet Era a Wake-UP Call (based on the book by Ann Lathrop and Kathleen Foss).
If you have any questions regarding any of these topics you'd like for me to ask please feel free to email me.

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